Curriculum Vitae e Formazione

Personal informations
Name: Marco
Surname: Versari
Youtube: kiwiandsails
Nationality: Italian
Dates: July 2011 
Event: 420 class Open and Ladies European Championship
Employer: Thunersee-Yachtclub - Sonnmattweg 19 - 3604 - Thun, Swiss
Employ: open 420 class coach, rules advisor, strategist and meteorologist
Results: 3rd rank Gold Female fleet
Dates: July 2011
Event: ISAF Youth Championship
Employer: Swiss Sailing Team - Bergstrasse, 23 - 8953 - Dietikon, Swiss
Employ: 420 class coach
Dates (from - to): March 2011 - now
Employer: Centro Agonistico Vela Ticino c/o Federazione Ticinese Vela - 6602 - Muralto, Swiss
Employ: headcoach and 420 class coach
Dates (from - to): December 2010 - January 2011
Event: 420 class Open and Ladies World Championship
Employer: Thunersee-Yachtclub - Sonnmattweg 19 - 3604 - Thun, Swiss
Employ: 420 class coach
Results: 11th rank Female fleet
Dates: August 2010
Event: 420 class Junior European Championship
Employer: Swiss 420 Class Association - Swiss
Employ: 420 class coach
Results: 7th rank Gold fleet and 2nd rank Silver fleet
Dates: August 2009
Event: 420 class Junior European Championship
Employer: Swiss 420 Class Association - Swiss
Employ: 420 class coach
Results: 2nd rank Silver fleet
Dates: July 2009
Event: ISAF Youth Championship
Employer: Swiss Sailing Team - Bergstrasse, 23 - 8953 - Dietikon, Swiss
Employ: 420 class coach
Dates (from - to): June 2008 - now
Employer: Circolo Velico Lago Lugano - Via Foce - 6901 - Lugano, Swiss
Employ: 420 class coach
Results: two times Swiss Champion, 2nd and 3rd rank Swiss Championship, 1st rank Young European Sailing, 1st rank in many Swiss National races, totally 5 crews in 3 years at the Junior European Championship and 1 crew at the ISAF Youth Championship
Dates (from - to): January 2006 - May 2008
Employer: Circolo Velico Lago Lugano - Via Foce - 6901 - Lugano, Swiss
Employ: Optimist class coach
Results: 3rd swiss rank (10th overall) Swiss Champioship
Dates (from - to): March 2004 - September 2005
Employer: Federazione Italiana Vela - Region ‘XV’ - Via Piranesi 46 - 20133 - Milan, Italy
Employ: 420 class regional talent-scouter and coach

Dates: winter 2010
Event: 420 class inter-club training
Employer: Circolo Velico Lago Lugano - Via Foce - 6901 - Lugano, Swiss
Employ: 420 class coach
Dates: autumn 2009 & 2010
Event: 420 class winter training
Employer: Swiss 420 Class Association - Swiss
Employ: 420 class coach
Dates: spring 2008, 2009, 2010
Event: Contender Class Clinic 
Employer: International Contender Association Italia - Via L. da Quinto, 47 - 37034 - Valpantena, Italy
Employ: Contender class coach

Dates: winter 2011
Project: Numerical optimization of one-design 420 class sails using Smar-Azure SailFlow2
Employer: Ullman Sails GZ srl - Via Vanzago, 34 - 25030 - Paratico, Italy
Employ: scientific consultant and analyzer
Dates (from - to): autumn 2010 - winter 2011
Project: Design and realization of the first radial spinnaker for 420 class
Employer: Ullman Sails GZ srl - Via Vanzago, 34 - 25030 - Paratico, Italy
Employ: project manager and test method responsible
Dates: spring 2010
Project: English edition of the didactical DVD for Contender class beginner sailor 
Employer: International Contender Association
Employ: text, voice, audio editing
Dates (from - to): autumn 2009 - winter 2010
Project: Didactical DVD for Contender class beginner sailor 
Employer: International Contender Association Italia - Via L. da Quinto, 47 - 37034 - Valpantena, Italy
Employ: director, actor, text, voice and video editing
Dates: since 2007 (once or twice per year)
Event: Italian Sailing Federation training courses - I and II level
Employer: Federazione Italiana Vela - Piazza Borgo Pila, 40 - 16129 - Genova, Italy
Employ: teacher for technical subjects and meteorology

Dates (from - to): december 2004 - april 2007
University: Università degli studi di Milano, Milano
Main subjects: Complex system analysis, Classical and numerical fluid dynamics, Numerical models, Turbulence, Plasma physics, Atmospheric physics, Mathematical models and methods for applications
Title: Master degree in Physical Sciences
Thesis: Mesoscale turbulent convection in arctic ocean (with frazil ice and salinity)
Final vote: 109/110
Dates (from - to): september 2001 - december 2004
University: Università degli studi di Milano, Milano
Main subjects: Classical and modern physics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Physics of fluids, Structure of matter, Numerical analysis, Rational mechanics, Computational methods
Title: Bachelor degree in Physical Sciences
Thesis: NACA 7401 lift in a perfect fluid (using conformal mapping)
Final vote: 107/110
Dates (from - to): july 1999 - august 1999
High school: Te Puke High School, Te Puke (Bay of Plenty, New Zealand)
Main subjects: English, Natural science, Mathematic, Physics
Organizer: EFS Intercultura
Experience: two month exchange student
Dates (from - to): september 1995 - june 2001
High school: Liceo Classico Giosuè Carducci, Milano
Main subjects: Italian, Latin, Greek, Philosophy, History, Science, Mathematic, Physics
Title: Maturità Classica 
Final vote: 84/100

Dates (from - to): october 2010 - may 2011
Organizer: Federazione Italiana Vela
Main subjects: Sport medicine 2, Physiology, Elements of biomechanics, Sport methodology, Nutrition and alimentation, Sport psychology, Evaluation and control of training, Equipment rules of sailing, Atheltic training and fitness, Coach ethics, Specific training method for sailors, Meteorology and strategy, Racing rules 3
Title: sailing coach (III level) - awaiting Swiss Sailing conversion for “A” coach title
Thesis: Identification of success factors for the tactical interpretation of racing rules
Dates: april 2009
Organizer: Jugend+Sport
Main subjects: Safety, Swiss Sailing regulation, Pedagogy, Theory and methodology of teaching.
Title: sailing instructor
Dates (from - to): october 2006 - february 2007
Organizer: Federazione Italiana Vela
Main subjects: Theory and methodology of sport training, Methodology of teaching sailing, Sport psychology,  Sport medicine 1, Racing rules, Applied meteorology 2, Theory of sailing and sailing techniques 2, Tactics and strategy of racing 2, Specific training method 
Title: sailing trainer (II level)
Thesis: Aerodynamics forces in sailing
Coaching apprenticeship: Europe class
Dates (from - to): september 2002 - october 2002
Organizer: Federazione Italiana Vela
Main subjects: Theory and methodology of teaching, Psychology, First aid, Racing rules, Applied meteorology 1, Theory of sailing and sailing techniques 1, Tactics and strategy of racing 1, Training methodology
Title: sailing instructor (I level)
Thesis: Team race / Foils trim

2011 - Mental coaching seminar - Scuola dello Sport - Roma, Italia
2010 - Safety, Emergency and Survival at Sea certificate - Yacht Club del Mare - Lugano, Svizzera
2009 - First Aid Certificate with B.L.S. - Croce Rossa Italiana (Red Cross) - Milano
2009 - 1st Scandinavian 420 Coach Seminar - Jim Saltonstall - International 420 Class - Roskilde, Denmark 
2008 - ANSYS Computational Fluid Dynamics Seminar - Politecnico di Milano - Milano, Italia
2007 - Micrometeorology and strategy - Lex Bertrand - High Performance Institute - Melbourne, Australia
2006 - Seminar in Computational Yacht Design - Politecico di Milano - Milano, Italia

Mother language: Italian
1st foreign language: English
Comprehension (listening & reading): very good
Writing: good to very good
Speaking: very good
2nd foreign language: French
Comprehension (listening & reading): very good
Writing: medium to very good
Speaking: good
3rd foreign language: German
Comprehension (listening & reading): poor
Writing: -
Speaking: very poor
2000 - Italian driving license “B”
2005 - Italian boat license for sailing and motor yacht shorter than 25 meter of overall length without distances limits from shore
2009 - Swiss driving license “BE”
2010 - Italian license to use on-board radio apparatus (VHF o SSB) with maximum power of 60W

2006 - 1st award - Scholarship for sportive student of Provincia di Milano
2008 - candidate - Alinghi Swiss Sailing Grant from Bertarelli Foundation

Dates: since ever
Sport: keel boat sailing
Activity: practice for fun
Dates: 1987 since now
Sport: skiing and snowboarding
Activity: practice for fun
Dates: 1990 - 1995
Sport: fencing
Activity: pre-agonistic with competition at regional level
Dates: 1994 since now
Sport: dinghy sailing
Activity: agonistic with progressive level of competition - regional, national, international
Classes: Optimist, L’Èquipe (helm), 420 (helm), 470 (helm), Contender, 49er (crew), Moth (for fun)
Main Results: 
2009 - 6th Kieler Woche rank, 2nd rank Italian Championship - Contender
2008 - 3rd rank Australian Championship, 8th rank European Championship, 4th rank Kieler Woche, 
2nd rank World Championship,  2nd rank Italian Championship - Contender
2007 - Swiss Champion, Trans Alp Champion - Contender
2006 - 2nd rank Pre-Olympic Race (Genova), 4th rank Italian Championship- 49er
2005 - 3rd rank Swiss Championship - 49er
2003 - Italian Champion Under 21 - Contender
2011 - Co-author, co-owner and project manager of TeamDataLog ( an all-in-one web-based system to program training and races, to plan the logistic, to estimate and close the budget, to manage the sailor information (result, fitness, tests, etc.), to register and view sailing data and do all the needed connected to an outdoor sport as sailing it is.
2011 - Detailed analysis of 420 class average top performance, including tacks, jibes and rounding marks.
2010 - Parametric study of 420 class mast bending proprieties, using load cells providing a more accurate result than previous study for Contender mast.
2009 - Author of the leech shortening trend in Contender class that provide upwind better performance reducing drag and tacking time, increasing the tactical potential and the tack speed, without loosing speed performance during the leg.
2009 - Parametric study of Contender class carbon fiber mast bending proprieties, using load cells.
2009 - Complete project and design with numerical study of a vang lever for Contender class made in aluminium alloy, more stiff and lighter than a carbon fiber one.
2008 - 2D preliminary study of trapeze recall in function of crew highness and weight for Contender class.